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2023 Group 2, Collabo Collage Gallery : Hyundai Department Store Ulsan
Son Jin-hyung & Jungking Invitation Exhibition
전시명 : 손진형, 정킹 2인 초대전
기간: 2023 . 1. 31 화 - 2023 . 2. 28 화
Ex period: January 31, 2023 - February 28, 2023
Ex Place: Collabo Collage Gallery : Hyundai Department Store Ulsan Branch 2nd Floor Connection Path Art Wall
Ex Description: Son Jinhyung, Jungking's artist,
A special two-person exhibition is held. The two artist describe the self of modern people who have repeated existential concerns through the shape of animals and horses, respectively. It is drawn through different forms and expressions.
If you have any questions about the exhibition,
you can send a DM to the Collabo Collage Gallery.
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